How It Works

Available in Dual-Temp or Humidity-Temp

Detect hot spots or moisture buildup

Alerts you of reading outside normal range

Sidewall and door mounting kits available

About Us

The Grain Temp Guard Humidity-Temperature system is ideal for monitoring higher moisture grains or grain you are conditioning. Track grain conditioning with the humidity reading and data charts from our resources page. High and low temp/humidity warnings may be set independently on each function. Audible and visual alarm sounds when detecting changes in target temperature/humidity. The Grain Temp Guard Dual Temperature System is ideal for monitoring conditioned grains. Measure temperature in two distinct locations. High and low temp warnings may be set independently on each probe.

Grain Temp Guard

Based on current prices, in a 30,000 bushel bin this costs:

$1650 for corn
$3850 for beans
Money spent to put an alarm HT probe in the top  (this can be placed after the bin is full) of the bin and one in the bottom would go a long way to help a farmer get control of this.

Recommendations for the number of probes to consider for your bin

Recommended: 2 probes per bin for the first 10,000 to 20,000 bushels and 1 additional probe for each additional 10,000 to 15,000 bushels. This will allow you to monitor more layers through the bin.

When using the Alarm HT (the correct unit for monitoring bins in which you are doing in bin drying or for monitoring soybeans) you will need to purchase twice as many units because this device has only 1 cable per monitoring unit. It is using its function to monitor both temperature and humidity (humidity is the key to providing the best grain moisture solution).

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Grain Temp Guard®

Installing Grain Temp Guard

  • Identify the location on the bin where you would like to position the unit. Do not position the unit in a location on the south or southwest side of the bin where afternoon sun will shine directly at the electronics (direct sunshine into the polycarbonate clear cover will result in a greenhouse type solar heating and can increase the internal temperature by 35°F to 50°F as compared to outside environment, thereby damaging the electronics). If you position the unit on the south or southwest side, it needs to be in a shaded area. Failure to do this will damage the LED screen and void the warranty. Additionally, you may want to consider an area in proximity to the internal ladder, as we normally use this structure to zip tie the cable to. Any loose cable on the outside the bin needs to be zip tied to a structure such as conduit, ladder rails, etc. to prevent wind whipping and chafing of the insulation. It is not recommended that you have long lengths of exposed cable on the outside of the bin. If this is necessary, it is recommended that you place the cable inside a conduit.
  • Mount the case to the bin;  mounting flanges may be adjusted for the best match to a corrugation rib. Remove the gasket from the self-tapping screws, insert the screw through the flanged hole and replace the gasket. The gasket needs to be against the bin to prevent leakage.
  • The probe will require a three-quarter inch hole through the corrugation. 
  • Suspend any loose cable within the bin by zip tying it frequently to conduit or sliding it through conduit.
  • A short arm can be made to suspend  the lower cable 36 to 48 inches from the ladder by bending a piece of re-rod into an L and positioning the long leg inside a ladder angle iron in the short leg sticking out no more than a foot. Too long of a lever will be ripped off by corn pressure. The long leg should pass behind two ladder rungs and in front of the third (see above graphic) to ensure the mechanism functions properly.  Zip tie the long leg of the L frequently or bolt it to ensure strength.
  • Zip tie short cable to the L and zip tie any excess cable in a loop firmly to the ladder structure.
  • Extend the long cable up along the ladder making a small loop of the excess cable and securing it to the top of the ladder or on a hook just below the access hatch. When the bin is full you will take this cable, uncoil it and position it in the grain where you would like to monitor the temperature or temperature – humidity.

The intent of this installation is to keep everything simple and cost-effective. You may at your own discretion provide a more complexed installation.

Complete Moisture Management System for a large bin

Wires can be run into the bin and then through conduit to protect the moisture management system

Attach probe to rebar to extend into bin. (Attach to bottom of bar to avoid probe damage)

Attach probe to rebar to extend into bin

Mount lower probe to rebar and place 2ft off ground, attaching to ladder

Wires can be run though conduit and then attached to rebar to keep everything organized

Probe for top of bin can be coiled when not in use.

Rebar can be used to place sensors throughout the bin at appropriate levels

Recommended System and Probe Placement per Bin Size

  • 3,000 to 6,000 bushel bin: 1 EndZone, 1 Grain Temp Guard® Alarm HT
  • 7,000 to 15,000 bushel bin: 1 EndZone, 2 Grain Temp Guard® Alarm HT
  • 16,000 to 23,000 bushel bin: 1 EndZone, 3 Grain Temp Guard® Alarm HT
  • 24,000 to 30,000 bushel bin: 1 EndZone, 4 Grain Temp Guard® Alarm HT
  • 31,000 to 37,000 bushel bin: 1 EndZone, 5 Grain Temp Guard® Alarm HT
  • 38,000 to 44,000 bushel bin: 1 EndZone, 6 Grain Temp Guard® Alarm HT
  • 45,000 to 51,000 bushel bin: 1 EndZone, 7 Grain Temp Guard® Alarm HT
  • 52,000 to 59,000 bushel bin: 1 EndZone, 8 Grain Temp Guard® Alarm HT


Why Grain Temp Guard?

Because grain is a good insulator, the center of the grain bin retains heat longer. Moisture migration is caused by differences in grain temperature within the bin. In the fall, the cold air on the outside of the bin moves the warmer air inward and eventually upward to the top of the bin. It encounters the cold air at the top of the bin and causes condensation and crusting at the top of the grain. In the spring and summer, the opposite is true and condensation and spoilage occur at the bottom of the bin. Temperature monitoring helps maintain even temperature, preventing moisture migration.

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