Add an extra semi load to your bottom line with EndZone. Play offense and rehydrate soybeans from 10% to 13%. Play defense and monitor and control hot spots in your bin. Use with the complete Farm Shop Moisture Management System and score big.
Producers may want to recondition soybeans harvested at lower moisture contents to bring the moisture up to the market standard of 13%. On a 40-bushel-per-acre yield, harvesting soybeans at 9% moisture content, rather than 13%, is equal to 1.8 bushels of lost weight per acre. At $9 per bushel, that is $16.20 per acre.
Just as grain is dried with bin fans, soybeans can be reconditioned by operating fans during periods with the desired air temperature and relative humidity. Reconditioning requires high airflow rates for several weeks using air with an average relative humidity of about 70% to recondition soybeans to 13% during normal fall temperatures of 30°F to 60°F. Read More
Kenneth Hellevang PhD, Extension Agricultural Engineer North Dakota State University
Order EndZone and Grain Temp Guard together for a complete Moisture Management System.
Learn More About Grain Temp Guard