About Us

About Us

Farm innovation is a never-ending process with all the demands to get planting and harvest done in the most cost-effective, safe and productive way. At Farm Shop Mfg., LLC we are excited to offer our first cutting-edge product, the “Germinator,” to help make your planting more effective than ever. Our newest product, “Grain Temp Guard,” monitors your grain storage conditions to help keep your hard work safe!

A little bit about the boss . . .

With a resume a mile long, some might think A.R. Wendler, aka “Tony”, is a farmer, pilot or a jack-of-all trades. But really, Tony is all of these­ – a renaissance man if you will. He is a self-proclaimed engineer/inventor in overalls and boots and has earned this title because of his can-do attitude to make anything better through innovation. This website may only show one product at this time, but just wait to see what is coming “Grain Temp Guard! There is never a dull moment in the mind of Tony!

If you are interested in more information on a product or have any other query please contact us.

Phone: 712-520-6051

Email: sales@FarmShopMfg.com

Address: 1042 570th Ave, Armstrong, IA 50514