End Zone for Corn




Due to popular demand, our work area has doubled the production of EndZone fan controls.


If you’re dissatisfied for ANY reason, please contact Farm Shop, and  simply return the product within 30 days of your ship date in like-new condition with all the original packing materials, accessories, and manuals to receive a complete refund. You will not be reimbursed for shipping to or from Farm Shop MFG.


The Grain Temp Guard  –  EndZone, product combination protects your CORN; in BEANs it makes you money!

Contact us to learn more.


It’s not too late to score all of your points in the EndZone!

Quick calculation for value:

  • 20,000 bushels of soybeans (or wheat) at 10% moisture.
  • The EndZone™ system equipment is installed on the bin. Typical cost for a 20,000 bushel bin is $3800 and is made to be farmer friendly/farmer installed.
  • System is set to increase grain moisture to 13% (ideal maximum selling moisture). Depending on fan size and atmospheric humidity conditions, this may take a few weeks to a few months.
  • Soybeans take on moisture, increasing to approximately 13%, increasing the grain volume by one semi load, 54,000 pounds of water.
  • In today’s soybean market, this is an additional $12,600 in revenue.


Producers may want to recondition soybeans harvested at lower moisture contents to bring the moisture up to the market standard of 13%. On a 40-bushel-per-acre yield, harvesting soybeans at 9% moisture content, rather than 13%, is equal to 1.8 bushels of lost weight per acre. At $9 per bushel, that is $16.20 per acre.

Just as grain is dried with bin fans, soybeans can be reconditioned by operating fans during periods with the desired air temperature and relative humidity. Reconditioning requires high airflow rates for several weeks using air with an average relative humidity of about 70% to recondition soybeans to 13% during normal fall temperatures of 30°F to 60°F. Read More

Kenneth Hellevang PhD, Extension Agricultural Engineer
North Dakota State University


Grain Bin Fan Control Overview:

  • EndZone is designed to turn grain bin fans on and off while using multiple outside inputs.
  • EndZone can be set to allow fan operation only when temperature is between two set parameters, a high and low set point.
  • EndZone can be set to allow fan operation only when relative humidity is between two set parameters, a high and low set point.
  • EndZone can be connected and automatically turned on by a Grain Temp Guard® which has triggered an alarm (activating the fan when temperature and humidity are between the preset high low range).
  • EndZone the strongest indication/need for this device is in the accurate natural air drying of grain or in the automatic activation of a fan to alleviate a hotspot.
  • EndZone can be activated by a Grain Temp Guard® and allow the external alarm to be active or turned off.
  • EndZone can help reduce the risk of over drying the grain at the bottom of a bin.
  • EndZone can be used to accurately add moisture too or remove moisture from soybeans (+/ -1/2%)%) [may not be successful if the grain depth is over 18 to 20 feet] if adequate airflow CFM are present.
  • EndZone can be used to accurately remove moisture from corn (+/ -1/2%) [may not be successful if the grain depth is over 18 to 20 feet] if adequate airflow CFM are present.
  • EndZone can allow the fan to be set to “automatic” control, manual “on”, or the “off” position.
  • EndZone can allow the fan to be set to “automatic” control, monitoring only outside weather conditions with or without a link to a Grain Temp Guard®.
  • EndZone will track how many hours your fans have been activated and allow you to periodically reset the timer to zero when-ever you determine it is appropriate.

Download End Zone Information Sheet

Additional information

Grain Temp Guard Add-on

End Zone Only, +1 Alarm HT, +2 Alarm HT, +3 Alarm HT